Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Space

Not long ago I set up a page on myspace(http://www.myspace.com/ptads) to communicate with friends and students. It was interesting to see the amount of information that young people display on myspace. I have decided to use myspace to minister to young people and to challenge both myself and them to live a life of purity on-line. I am in the mist of praying about how to go about ministering effectively on-line because I strongly believe it is possible with the Lord's help. There are many avenues of communication in our culture and it seems that as youth leaders we fall short and decide not to use them. Some have not keep up with the times and others simply do not have the time. Our young people bear all on the internet as a cry for help and a cry for attention. Who will answer their cry? Who will fill the void they seek? I have outlined my approach in ministering to young people on-line.
1. Observe: Observe their pages for a given amount of time, read and study to get an idea of their struggles and their on-line lingo. You will quickly find out what they are interested. Notice I did not say stalk them.
2. Outside: Be involved in their lives outside of the internet even if they are a completely different person on-line. You will run into this a lot... The on-line world is separate world from the real world in most students minds.
3. Approach: Approach with care on-line, remember it is their world and your coming into it, they may get a little offended. But they will not if you are cool about it.
4. Same Rules: The same rules apply on-line, girl's minister to girls, guys minister to guys. It will be tempting to not follow this rule because there are not a lot of on-line ministers currently. Matter a fact I am the only one I know that is trying to do it.
5. Openness: They will be more open on-line then in person so be ready to minister.
6. Time: Do not spend hours and hours on the internet because it can easily become a trap. On-line ministry is tough because you are going into the Lions den. There are plenty of places on the internet to get in trouble. Limit your time on-line.
Lastly before you sign on the internet pray. Pray that you not only would be able to find out more about your students but that God would use you to minister on-line. Stay accountable to a close friend about your on-line activity and email the sites that you visited to a friend. Live a life of purity on-line!
more to come...

1 comment:

Matt Boyer said...

Excellent post Tads. Too often student ministry leaders and volunteers boycott things like myspace because of their potential for evil. I agree with you that myspace can be used for good in order to meet students where they are at. But, as you said, be careful and prayerful as you go!