Wednesday, June 07, 2006

World Cup

More then ever this year there is a growing excitement in the air for World Cup soccer. I'm not sure why I'm so excited but I think its because it is a world event and it only comes around every four years. Many different cultures tune in to see what country will be crowned the king of futbol. Who will rise above their circumstances and who will fight for this honor? Luke Cyphers states in ESPN magazine "The game is big, and its complicated, and its full of brilliance and stupidity- and that's why it so often reflects the world we live in. The bottom line is that people can relate to soccer and that's why its called the world's game." That and the fact that all you need is a ball to play, it doesn't require lots of equipment to start up a game. So the poor and the rich can engage in this activity and have the potential to become stars in their own countries. The nations who have qualified for the World Cup will gather in Germany to try to make history and bring home the world's coveted prize, the FIFA World Cup. Let the games begin.


Matt Boyer said...

I love futbol as well. I doubt I will get to watch any of the games as I am leaving for a missions trip to Peru on Saturday. Although, soccer's big down there so maybe I'll have a chance to play a bit myself. I'll pretend I'm Freddie Adu and the Peruvian kids are Preki. PREKI SUCK! CHOO SUCKS PREKI!

Matt Boyer said...

I got to see the last ten minutes of the match between USA and Italy while on the trip. Go USA! Get that win versus Ghana! We need to make it out of the prelims!