Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Blended Worship

Many of us are not sure what blended worship is and what it is all about. Blended worship is an attempt to make believers in the body of Christ happy. It is the blending of two different styles of worship contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns and when done correctly it is veryeffective. Churches who have a wide range of ages should at least consider this blending style. The reason I support a blended approach is because it helps bring two very different generations together for the solitary purpose of worshiping the Lord. Those who are older need to be willing to sing praise songs that they may not enjoy and those who are younger need to do the same with hymns. If both segments can begin to respect different forms of musical worship the body of Christ can live in unity and in essence a life of worship. "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18) Blended worship can make this verse possible for some churches if the members of the body are willing to compromise. The key word is compromise. There is value to both forms of worship when each worship a God who is more then worthy of our praise.

1 comment:

Matt Boyer said...

Good word again! I think that blended worship can and should be utilized even in churches where there is a dominant number of a certain age group. At Daybreak, we are largely comprised of young marrieds and singles. But we still use hymns in our services as well. I believe that the writing in some of those old hymns is great to reflect upon and sing in worship. But there is some great contemporary stuff out there too.

Like a stubborn heifer,
Matt Boyer